1. | a reference work containing short biographical entries on the outstanding persons in a country, industry, profession, etc. |
2. | the outstanding or influential persons in a community, industry, profession, or other group. |
-- dictionary.com
Luvviepuffaroo's Definition
1. a listing of all the fabulous (and infamous) people who populate this blog
2. an alphabetized thumbnail impression of everyone you'll read about, who they are to me, and what inspired their alias. ~
As in: A part of his name and what many people call him
Who is he to me?
Ant lives in Boston and I met him way back in like 1995 or so through M who met him in college. I made a really bad first impression ... it was Halloween and I was dressed like a witch ... I fell down and was really bitchy afterward to all these people I had just met. (This turned out to be the first of like a million times that I fell either in the presence of M, Ant, or really any of the Boston crew.) Still I must have redeemed myself because we've been friends for something like 13 years now ...
I always forget that YEARS go by without me seeing him because we tend to talk on the phone one or twice a week ... more if there's a crisis of some sort going on. He's got a totally wicked sense of humor and we've got like a million short hand catch pharses that we've repeated for over 10 years now (Bizzy!!! ... It Never Ends!!! ... A what house? A NICE house ...). Even though we've probably seen each other face to face less than 20 times over all these years, I also feel like we've lived through EVERY up, down and twist and turn with each other. He's a really good friend. Yet I somehow still don't have his phone number memorized ... go figure.
As in: Lady Di.
Who is she to me?
I met Di in spring of 1999. She is the person in my life I can always turn to for a steadying hand. She's pretty much the exact opposite of me in every way, which is probably the key to our successful friendship. We've lived through a tremendous amount of ups and downs in the years that we've know each other ... We spent 9/11 together; crying, drinking beer, and watching the news all day. We lived through each other's boyfriends, heartaches, and triumphs. She honored me on my wedding day by being the person who stood by my side as I married Quibbit.
As in: A part of his name and what many people call him
Who is he to me?
Ant lives in Boston and I met him way back in like 1995 or so through M who met him in college. I made a really bad first impression ... it was Halloween and I was dressed like a witch ... I fell down and was really bitchy afterward to all these people I had just met. (This turned out to be the first of like a million times that I fell either in the presence of M, Ant, or really any of the Boston crew.) Still I must have redeemed myself because we've been friends for something like 13 years now ...
I always forget that YEARS go by without me seeing him because we tend to talk on the phone one or twice a week ... more if there's a crisis of some sort going on. He's got a totally wicked sense of humor and we've got like a million short hand catch pharses that we've repeated for over 10 years now (Bizzy!!! ... It Never Ends!!! ... A what house? A NICE house ...). Even though we've probably seen each other face to face less than 20 times over all these years, I also feel like we've lived through EVERY up, down and twist and turn with each other. He's a really good friend. Yet I somehow still don't have his phone number memorized ... go figure.
As in: Lady Di.
Who is she to me?
I met Di in spring of 1999. She is the person in my life I can always turn to for a steadying hand. She's pretty much the exact opposite of me in every way, which is probably the key to our successful friendship. We've lived through a tremendous amount of ups and downs in the years that we've know each other ... We spent 9/11 together; crying, drinking beer, and watching the news all day. We lived through each other's boyfriends, heartaches, and triumphs. She honored me on my wedding day by being the person who stood by my side as I married Quibbit.
As in: He is literally Golden. King Midas Golden. Pot o' Gold Golden. Golden Grahams Golden. He's got luck like you wouldn't believe: always got the job, always got the guy, always got the praise, always the center of attention. He lost his wallet 4 times and had it returned to him -- and once this happened while he was in Italy! He's always had the planets align for him whenever he requested them to. The whole "The Secret" thing? It's his autobiography. I'm not saying things come easy for him -- and he'll tell you he works hard for everything he has. And he does. But his hard work is sprinkled liberally with luck. I love him dearly.
Who is he to me?
I met GoldenBoy in 1984 and he was my first boyfriend, but in that Catholic School way. Like - took me to parties, danced with me, did homework with me after school. He was likable, fun, and -- yeah, gay. (There's a pattern here so watch for it.) We had a 1.5 year hiatus in our late teens where we didn't speak but since our early 20s we've remained friends ever since. He lives with his long term partner, MattyMoo, in Florida now. Half
As in: Half of a Truman Capote, or the kid who represents "Half" in "Two and a Half Men".
Who is he to me?
Half is M's nephew and was 8 years old when I met him. He was irascible -- like an 80 year old man. He was also quippy, witty and utterly unique. He's madness and genius rolled into one, but also could be too bitchy for his own good.
Hammer of Israel
As in: He's Jewish. And it's naughty.
Who is he to me?
Hammer is a guy I met in 2002 through a friend. I knew him for several years, and we had an easy camaraderie and a lot of fun on email and in person -- but he was almost always with someone so we never dated ... not at first. When we did it was very briefly, and quite a while ago. So I think of him as a friend more than anything. Who is he to me?
He's a great writer and consistently good at the volley. He's witty and quick and inspired some of the best emails I'd ever written. And he's got the Quibbit seal of approval.
MAs in: M&Ms
M is one of my oldest childhood friends, I've known her since first grade. We grew up together in Brooklyn but she moved to Massachusetts some time around college and has been in that state ever since. Her husband's name begins with an "M" too, so they quickly became M&M to all who know them. She's the one person who can make me start laughing over nothing and keep going for hours. We are often mistaken for sisters when we go out together because we're just really happy and look similar. I don't get to see her near enough as I'd like and that makes me sad.
Who is she to me?
Who is he to me?
Won't was my First Phone Call for a period of time that spanned my mid 20s to my early 30s. "First Phone Call" as in: If I got good news, I called him first. If I got bad news, I called him first. If I got free tickets to a show, I called him first. If I thought of something funny ... you get the picture. We spent every minute together or on the phone. It was NOTHING for me to call him at 11:30 PM when he was working the night shift (as a doorman) and speak with him till 6 or 7 am, then make plans to see him when we both woke up later that day. He was everything to me.
Won*t was gay but didn't come out of the closet to anyone ... specifically me ... for a large part of his life. When he did the betrayal was deep and permanent. Not because he was gay -- my God, there was a point in time when EVERYONE I was hanging out with was gay. It wasn't even that he withheld information from me -- although I'd withheld none from him. It was that when he told me, I was not given sufficient time to process and he couldn't understand that. It was how he still thought everything was the same, when everything was completely different. We fell out of synch. It was a long fall, with a really big splat at the end. He took away my home.
Will I ever speak with him again? I Won't. Will I ever forget him? I Won't. Will he ever understand? He Won't. Again, you get the picture. Will I love him and miss him till the day I die and always wish that things had been different ... yes. I will. Without a doubt.
That's me, obviously. The reason I'm calling myself Luvviepuffaroo is because one day Quibbit and I were just calling each other silly pet names. He often --still-- addresses me as "Lovely" (as in 'Isn't she Lovely?') and sometimes that devolves to Lovey (as in Thurston Howell the Third and Lovey). So I was calling him Lovie-Bump in return. Then he called me Lovie-Puff ...and we both just added "a-roo" to it, since I like that. (I often write to friends and ask them out for drink-a-roos). I changed the spelling because it's already so over the top that I wanted to keep it going. Quibbit only calls me Luvviepuffaroo when we're being ridiculously sweet and playful with each other ... but that's almost all the time.
Who is she to me?
M is one of my oldest childhood friends, I've known her since first grade. We grew up together in Brooklyn but she moved to Massachusetts some time around college and has been in that state ever since. Her husband's name begins with an "M" too, so they quickly became M&M to all who know them. She's the one person who can make me start laughing over nothing and keep going for hours. We are often mistaken for sisters when we go out together because we're just really happy and look similar. I don't get to see her near enough as I'd like and that makes me sad.
As in: MattyMoo. It just sprung fully formed.
Who is he to me?
MattyMoo is Goldenboy's long time (13 years) partner. He's one of my favorite people and it breaks my heart that I hardly see him. He's originally from the mid-west (like Quibbit) and so has this total wysiwyg thing going on. MattyMoo is tried and true, a straight shooter, a do-er, a get things done-er. A great listener with great insights and a joy to talk with. I love him so much! We always sign our emails with food references ... like: Love, Chocolate Biscotti with Hazelnuts.
As in: A funny take on Eukanuba pet food. Her long term handle.
Who is she to me?
She was literally born into our friendship and there's never been a day she hasn't known me. I have vague recollections of calling her "the baby" when I was around six years old (she was 3.5 at the time), but from that moment forward my whole life, decade by decade, is filled with scenes of Ookanuba. She's seen me at my worst (and vice versa), she's celebrated me at my best (and vice verca). We're in one or the other of those modes at the moment.
As in: A play on her real name. "Quimica" means "chemistry" in Spanish. She liked the nick-name better than Kimchee.
Who is she to me?
I met Quimica in Ookanuba's living room during the Summer of Somehow. The first words out of her mouth were "good to see you again" even though we'd never met. We just started off with that bond.She is 100% the reason that Quibbit and I are together. She planted the seed in his head one night and out of that seed a tree blossomed. She is going to be Quibbit's Best Man (gender neutral = Honor Attendant) at the wedding.
As in: He was trying to come up with a word that was easy to rememer that sounded like Quibble, but more like "one who Quibbles".
Who is he to me?
Quibbit is my Boo, the love of my life, my fiance, my soon-to-be husband. He's the first person I want to see every morning and the last person I want to see every night. He's precious, good, solid, amazing, magical, innocent, brilliant, chaotic, joyful ... everything great in this world. While I was always a happy single girl, and could have lived single for the rest of my life, after I met him I knew that I could never live without him. He's so sincere and sweet and earnest that I often ask him what he sees in a cynical bitch like me. He just laughs. He's the lego block that fits right into me.
RockAs in: I am a Rock, I am an island ... from the Simon and Garfunkel song. It's also the response I got when I asked if Rock could imagine saying "I love you" during our relationship. NO! he replied. I am a Rock!
Who is he to me?
I knew Rock for 6 years, then dated him for 3 months. He was pretty much the type of guy who'd always be reliable and practical. He was always there to fix your sink, get you provisions before a long journey, make sure you had an oil change on the recommneded schedule. He was, however, very uncomfortable with emotions, effusiveness and anything that was louder than an indoor voice. Example: even when we were alone in the car, he frown on any singing along with the radio because it was too demonstrative. He's a good guy, just not the guy for me. I'm sure he's making some amazingly fantastic woman very happy right now. Every pot has it's lid.
As in: "Won't & Grace" which is the opposite of "Will & Grace".
Who is he to me?
Won't was my First Phone Call for a period of time that spanned my mid 20s to my early 30s. "First Phone Call" as in: If I got good news, I called him first. If I got bad news, I called him first. If I got free tickets to a show, I called him first. If I thought of something funny ... you get the picture. We spent every minute together or on the phone. It was NOTHING for me to call him at 11:30 PM when he was working the night shift (as a doorman) and speak with him till 6 or 7 am, then make plans to see him when we both woke up later that day. He was everything to me.
Won*t was gay but didn't come out of the closet to anyone ... specifically me ... for a large part of his life. When he did the betrayal was deep and permanent. Not because he was gay -- my God, there was a point in time when EVERYONE I was hanging out with was gay. It wasn't even that he withheld information from me -- although I'd withheld none from him. It was that when he told me, I was not given sufficient time to process and he couldn't understand that. It was how he still thought everything was the same, when everything was completely different. We fell out of synch. It was a long fall, with a really big splat at the end. He took away my home.
Will I ever speak with him again? I Won't. Will I ever forget him? I Won't. Will he ever understand? He Won't. Again, you get the picture. Will I love him and miss him till the day I die and always wish that things had been different ... yes. I will. Without a doubt.